Monday, September 14, 2009

Final Project

Students, please post your final project here on the blog by embedding the web version of the video (.swf or .mov, scaled appropriately) hosted on your student web space or some legal, third party hosting environment (YouTube, etc.). Make sure that you label the post "YOUR NAME - CLASS NAME student project - cc - not for commercial use".

Your web video should include a link to a landing page with a design and message consistent with your ad campaign.

Please email me the final report that Kim was working on regarding the media plan.

I apologize but I will not be returning to class. I will grade your work submitted here. It has been an honor to be your instructor. Go forward and do great things.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Exporting your video with Premiere Pro

Here is a good video tutorial explaining how to export your video to a variety of formats using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

After Effect Scripts

Check here for some great After Effects scripts.